joi, 26 august 2010

K. Write the times

What time is it ? Cat este ceasul ?
Can you tell me the time please ? Poti sa i-mi spui ca este ceasul te rog ?
When is the appointment ? Cand este intilnirea ?

We use the expression "O'clock" for telling time .

01:00 It is One O'clock.
02:00 It is Two O'clock.

30 de minute = half an hour
Use "PAST" when is after the hour
01:30 half past one = one thirty

15 minute = quarter hour

Use "TO" when it is before the hour
08:45 It is quarter to nine (noua fara un sfert)
01:50 It is ten to two ( doua fara zece )

Use "AFTER" to show minutes later than the exact hour.
04:10 It is ten after four ( patru si zece )
09:25 It is twenty-five after nine ( noua si douazeci si cinci )

vineri, 13 august 2010

J.The numeral

Clasificarea numeralelor:

  1. Numeralele cardinale
  2. Numeralele ordinale
  3. Numeralele colective
  4. Numeralele fractionale
  5. Numeralele multiplicative
  6. Numeralele distributive
  7. Numeralele adverbiale
  • Numeralele cardinale
0 zero, nought, naught
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten

11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty

21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three

30 thirty
40 fourty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred

101 one hundred and one
500 five hundred
1000 one thounsand
5231 five thounsand two hundred and thirty-one
100 000 one hundred thounsand
500 000 five hundred thounsand
1 000 000 000 one million
5 000 000 000 five millions
7 000 000 000 seven millions
7 000 000 000 seven millions and one
1 000 000 000 000 a/one thounsand million
1 000 000 000 000 000 a/one billion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 a/one thounsand billions
1+18 zerouri a/one trillion
1+24 zerouri a/one quadrillion
1+30 zerouri a/one quitillion

  • Numeralele ordinale indica pozitia intr-un sir
1st - the first (primul, prima)
13th - the thirteenth (a/al treisprezecelea)
2nd - the second (al doilea, a doua)
3rd - the third (al treilea, a treia)
20th - the twentieh (al douzecilea, a douazecea)
4th - the fourth (al patrulea, a patra)
5th - the fith (al cincilea, a cincea)
30th - the thirtieth (al treizecelea)
6th - the sixth (al saselea)
7th - seventh (al saptelea)
50th - the fiftieth (al cincizecilea)
8th - the eighth (al optulea)
9th - the ninth (al noualea)
100th - the one hundredth (al o suta-lea)
10th - the tenth (al zecelea)
11th - the eleventh (al unsprezecelea)
12th - the twelfth (al doisprezecelea)

In afara de the 1st (the first), the 2nd (the second) si the 3rd (the third), restul numeralelor ordinale se formeaza adaugand th la numeralul cardinal corespunzator:
the 5th (the fifth) - al cincilea, the65th (the sixty-fifth) - al saizeci si cincilea.

Acelasi model il urmeaza si numeralele ordinale de la 20 in sus: the 21st (the twenty-first) - al douazeci si unulea), the 22nd (the twenty-second) - al douazeci si doilea, the 23rd (the twenty-third) - al douazeci si treilea, the 24th (the twenty-fourth) - al douazeci si patrulea.

ex: I was the 78th(the seventy-eighth) in line ( am fost al saptezeci si optalea in rand)
He is the 90th (ninetieth) winer of the prize. El este al nouazecelea castigator al acestui premiu.

Numeralele cardinale care se termina in Y il vom trnasforma in ie, dupa care se adauga th: seventy-the seventieth, forty- the fortieth.

Retineti: four (patru) - fourteen (paisprezece) - forty (patruzeci) dispare vocala U.

I.Possessive adjectives + indicativul prezent al verbelor

My (al meu, mea, mei, mele)

My name is Tom. I am a child, a boy. I am not a girl. I have a brother, Mike, and two friends, Betty and Maud. They are sisters. I play with my brother and my friends every dey.

Your (al tau, ta, tai, tale)

Your name is Betty. You are a child, a girl. You are not a boy. You have a sister, Maud, and two friends, Tom and Mike. You play with sister and your friends every day.

His (al lui)

His name is Nick. He is a big boy, he is a student. He is not a little boy. He has a lot of books. He learns his lessons every day.

Her (al ei)

Her name is Ann. She is a big girl, she is a student. She is not a little girl. She has a lot of books and she reads a lot of books. She learns her lessons every day.

Its (al lui, al ei -neutru)

This is my book. It is my book. It has red covers. Its covers are red. The covers are red. The colour of its covers is red. Nick is a name. It is a word. Its first letter is "n". It begins with the letter "n".

Our (al nostru, noastra, nostri,nostre)

We are in the garder of our house. We have a lot of flowers in our garden. We spend an hour there every day.

Their (al lor)

I see two men. Their name are Peter and Victor. They are workers. They work in a factory. They like their work.

Adjectivul posesiv are o singura forma pentru fiecare persoana si nu acorda in gen si numar cu obiectul posedat.
my brother = fratele meu
my sister = sora mea
my friends = prietenii mei
my books = cartile mele
Ca toate adjectivele , adjectivul posesiv se aseaza inaintea substantivelor pe care il clasifica.

Indicativul prezent al verbelor
Se formeaza din infinitivul scurt (fara "to") cu un singur adaos, -s sau -es, la persoana a-III-a singular masculin, feminin si neutru.
ex: 1
  • I see = eu vad
  • you see = tu vezi
  • he sees = el vede
  • she sees = ea vede
  • it sees =el, ea (neutru) vede
  • we see = noi vedem
  • you see = voi vedeti
  • they see = ei, ele vad
ex: 2
  • I read = eu citesc
  • you play = tu te joci
  • he writes = el scrie
  • she catches = ea prinde
  • it begins = el, ea (neutru) incepe
  • we learn = no invatam
  • you take = voi luati
  • they live = ei, ele traiesc

1. Completati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator:
  • Betty plays with .... sister.
  • You are in .... garden with .... brothers.
  • He learns .... lessons every day.
  • I write .... lesson.
  • Name is a word; .... first letter is "n".
2. Traduceti in limba engleza textul urmator:
  • Ma cheama Betty.
  • Mand e sora mea.
  • Nick invata foarte mult.
  • Tu citesti multe carti.
  • Acoperisul este rosu.
  • Culoarea lui este rosie.
  • Noi avem doi copii.
  • Ann isi invata lectiile in fiecare zi.
  • Incep sa invat.
  • Cuvantul Nick incepe cu litera "n".
  • Scriu cinci cuvinte.
  • Primul cuvant este gradina.
  • Am un prieten.
  • Il cheama Mike.
  • Ann are o prietena.
  • O cheama Betty.
  • Esti un baiat mare, nu esti un baietel.
  • Ai multe carti.
  • Tom e in casa nu in gradina?
  • Este acesta bastonul meu ?
  • Nick si Tom nu sunt frati.
  • Tom are un frate, Mike.
3. Conjugati verbele "to learn" si "to take".

duminică, 1 august 2010

H. Pluralul substantivelor

The number of the nouns

In limba engleza substantivele pot fi de numarul singular sau plural.
De regula, singularul coincide cu forma de baza a unui substantiv:
ex: answer (raspuns), partner (partener), hotel (hotel)
Pentru a forma pluralul substantivelor se adauga consoana S la forma de singular:
answer+s = answers (raspunsuri)
partner+s = partners (parteneri)
hotel+s = hotels (hoteluri)

Substantivele terminate in: CH, O, SH, X, S, SS formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea particulei ES :
bunch+es = bunches (buchete) / sandwich+es = sandwiches (sandvici)
tomato+es = tomatoes (rosii) / potato+es = potatoes (cartofi)
wash+es = washes (spalari)
tax + es = taxes (taxe) / box+es = boxes (cutii)
bus+es = buses
congress + es = congresses (cogrese) / dress+es = dresses (haine)

PLURALUL NEREGULAT (Irregular plurals)
  • Unele substantive terminate in O formeaza prin adaugarea unui S a formei de singular.
ex: piano=pianos(pian=piane), soprano=sopranos(soprana=saprane), radio=radios(radio=radiouri), video=videos (video=videouri),
photo=photos (fotografie=fotografii)
  • Unele substantive terminate in F sau FE vor forma pluralul in VES.
ex: wife-wives (sotii), scarf-scarves (esarfe), shelf-shelves (rafturi), wolf-wolves (lupi),
leaf-leaves (frunze)
Exceptii: handkerchief-handkerchiefs (batiste), gulf-gulfs (golfuri),
wharf-wharfs-wharves (cheiuri), proof-proofs (dovezi)
  • Substantivele terminate in consoana Y (precedate de o consoana) formeaza pluralul in IES.
ex: pony-ponies (ponei), melody-melodies (melodii),
baby-babies (bebelusi), cry-cries (plinseturi)
  • Substantivele terminate in consoana Y (precedate de o vocala) formeaza pluralul in S.
ex:monkey-monkeys (maimute), boy-boys (baieti)
  • Cateva substantive formeaza pluralul prin schimbarea unei vocale interne.
ex: man-men (barbati), tooth-teeth (dinti), mouse-mice (soareci), child-children (copii),
foot-feet (picioare), police man-police men (politisti), congrssman-congresmen (congrasmeni),
police woman-police women (politiste)
  • Unele substantive provenite din limba latina pastreaza formele de plural din aceasta limba.
ex: criterion-criteria (criterii), phenomenon-phenomena (fenomene), alga-algae (alge),
gymanasium-gymnasia (sali de gimnastica)
Substantive ce se folosesc numai la singular, desi au forma de plural:
-nume de stiinte si obiecte de studiu terminate in -ics: Mathematics, Economics,
Accoustics (acustica)
-nume de boli: mumps (oreion)

Nu primesc terminatie de plural substantivele abstracte ca : advice (sfat),
information (informatie), sau concrete ca : bread (paine), chocolate (ciocolata), meat (carne)- acestea se folosesc cu a piece of: a piece of information (o infomratie), a piece of meat (o bucata de carne), a loaf of : a loaf of bread (o paine), a bar of : a bar of chocolate (o bucata de ciocolata).
  • Unele substantive nu isi schimba forma la plural
ex: deer (caprioare), series (serii), sheep (oi), species (specii)

PLURALUL SUBSTANTIVELOR COMPUSE (The plural of the compound nouns)
  • In cazul substantivelor compuse din alte doua substantive, numai ultimul cuvant va trece la plural.
ex: grape-fruits (fructe de grepfrut), cofee-spoons (lingurite), travel office (oficii de turism), girl-friends (prietenele), water-lilies (nuferi)
exceptii : substantivele compuse al caror prtim element este man sau woman vor primi semnul pluralului
ex: women drivers (soferite), men servants (servitori)
  • Substantivelor compuse din constructii de genul substantiv +prepozitie / adverb +substantiv, substantivul de baza va primi semnul pluralului
ex: fathers -in-law (socri), daughters-in-law (nurori), lilies-of-the-valley (lacramioare)
  • Abrevierile sau initialele vor forma pluralul prin adaugarea un s
ex: MDs (Doctors of Medicine- Doctori in medicina)
MCs (Masters of Ceremony- Maestri in ceromonii)

SUBSTANTIVELE UNICE (The uncountable nouns)
Substantivele unice nu se pot numara (uncountable) deoarece reprezinta fie notiuni abstracte, fie unicate, obiecte puternic individualizate.
  • Notiuni abstracte : friendship (prietenie), chemistry (chimie), hell (iad), nature (natura), the past (trecutul), information (informatie), life (viata), help (ajutor), solitude (singuratate), knowledge (stiinta), love (iubire)
  • Nume de substante: mud (noroi), milk (lapte), cofee (cafea), bronze (bronz), gravel (petris)
  • Alte substantive, provenite in special din forma in-ing a verbelor: luggage (bagaj), shopping (cumparaturi), reading (lectura), mourning (doliu)
  • Substantivele unice sunt intodeaunala singular si sunt folosite cu un verb la singular:
ex: This soup is good. (Aceasta supa este buna)
This information is useful. (Aceasta informatie este folositoare)
In general aceste substantive nu sunt precedate de articolul nehotarat a/an.
Pentru a exprima o unitate din aceste substantive se folosesc: no (nici o, nici un), some (ceva), any (vreo, vreun), a little (un pic de), a bit of (putin), a pice of (o bucata de), a slice of (o felie de), etc.
ex: I need some wine. (Am nevoie de niste vin)
I don't want any coffee. (Nu vreau cafea)

Totusi, cand implicit se face referire la recipientul ce contine respectivele substante, aceste substantive se pot folosi cu a/an:
I would like a coffee. (a cup of coffee) - As vrea o cafea (o ceasca de cafea)
I drank a verry good brandy last night. (a glass of brandy)- Am baut un lichior foarte bun aseara. (un pahar de lichior)

Much si many

Much = mult, multa, se foloseste pentru singular.
Many = multi, multe, se foloseste pentru plural.

much noise = mult zgomot, multa galagie
many toys = multe jucarii
In conversatie se prefera folosirea expresiei sinonimice a lot of in propozitiile afirmative si a adjectivelor much si many in cele interogative si negative.

1. Formati pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:
  • cat=
  • roof=
  • steamer=
  • table=
  • man=
  • pilot=
  • dog=
  • woman=
  • lily=
  • clock=
  • toy=
  • child=
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
  • Am un frate.
  • Tu ai o sora.
  • Avem multe jucarii.
  • Copiii fac mult zgomot.
  • Ai un frate ?
  • Are ea o sora ?
  • Avem cinci copii.
  • Ne jucam in gradina in fiecare zi.
  • Tom are multe jucarii.
  • Aeroplanul este foarte zgomotos.
  • Sunt copil.
  • Ai multi copii ?
  • Am un copil.
  • Ei au trei baieti si doua fete.
  • Baiatul meu citeste o multime de carti.